What is a CPEC?
The state of Massachusetts has implemented a new program, the Clean Peak Standard, with the goal of shifting energy away from the times of highest peak usage (and therefore highest emissions and cost impact).  CPECs are the pathway through which they hope to reach this goal, similarly to how SRECs incentivize solar panel installation.

Am I eligible for CPECs?
You are eligible for CPECs if:
Your solar facility is and has an operation date on or after January 1, 2019
Your solar facility has an operation date before January 1, 2019 and is interconnected with an Energy Storage System (battery, powercell, etc)

Do I need to buy anything?
If you are eligible (as per above): To opt in to CPECs, you will need a meter that can report your electricity usage every 15 minutes.  Your solar installer will be able to help you find the right technology.
If you are not yet eligible: Consider looking into a home battery!

Do I have to choose between SRECs and CPECs?
No, CPECs will be in addition to any SRECs you already earn.

How much money will I make?
The number of credits you earn will be based on the amount of electricity you save during Peak Hours and will vary heavily from system to system.  There are many factors, determined by the state, that will modify the number of credits you earn.  Based on active mandates, we expect CPEC pricing in the $20-$40 range for the first few years.  Your system installer, however, will be able to provide more specifics.

What is the difference between SRECs and CPECs?
SRECs represent the amount of energy your system creates while CPECs represents the amount of energy saved during periods of Peak Hours.

How do I get registered and start getting paid?
Once you are sure you are eligible for the program and have the correct equipment, Knollwood Energy will send you all required forms.