Anticipated Timing for end of SREC 2
Massachusetts Installers: This post is to help clarify timing for the end of the SREC program. As of today, NO dates have been announced yet by DOER for the start of SMART. Please use this as a guide to understand the MassCEC deadlines over the next 6 months. Below are firm dates by which Knollwood Energy of MA must submit your customers’ SREC registrations.

Systems that interconnected Q4 2017, or earlier and are not registered for SRECs yet, must have the SREC application submitted to DOER on or before February 15th in order to have their 40 quarter eligibility be effective Q4, 2017.
January – March, 2018 Interconnections:
Systems that interconnect Q1 2018 or earlier and are not registered for SRECs; the 40 quarter eligibility date will be Q1 2018 as long as we submit the registration on or before May 15th.
April – June Interconnections:
Systems that interconnect in Q2 2018 or interconnected earlier and miss the May 15th deadline MUST be registered on or before August 15th. Nothing has been announced yet but it is likely that August 15th will be the FINAL registration deadline for all systems to get into the SREC program.
Systems 25kws and less will not be approved into the SREC program until they have the permission to operate.
Systems OVER 25kws that are not yet interconnected:
These systems should get approved into the SREC program as soon as they have a Certificate of Completion. We are registering these systems for SRECs with CoC paperwork. Even if the PTO is after SMART starts, they will be in the SREC program as long as we submit the registeration with the CoC.
The difference between the PTO and CoC:
PTO: utility sent email stating the system can be turned on.
CoC: system is completely installed and just waiting for Permission from the utility to turn on.
It is very important that we are notified immediately of all new customers.
If you have your customers sign our contract, email them to
If we work directly with your customer, email the following to
Customer Name
System Address
Customer Email
Customer Phone Number
System Size
Date System Interconnected
If you have any questions please call 908-955-0590 or email